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2025 BENCHVILLE is a play and musical in four acts for one actor with basic guitar skills. It was written in the villages of Aldeia Velha and Lumiar, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2012. It tells the story of a wild and unrestrained homeless busking tramp called Frank who rises up in rebellion against The Corporate Empire and declares his independence from all plundering parasites and creates his own autonomous community in the centre of the city. This play is available as a Paperback or Kindle version here. Contact me if you don't have the money, I can send you a free PDF version!


Poet, peasant and vagabond, Frank is a wild and unrestrained homeless busking tramp with long hair that has never been brushed and a large beard like Santa Claus. Full of righteous indignation, rude, shocking and clearly unstable, he wears a dirty scruffy white shirt and an old ragged black business suit. No socks, no shoes.


A bench in the street of the inner city; a trash can, a potted tomato plant and an old guitar. A security camera, with KKK Security written on the side, is overlooking the bench. Construction site tape, a traffic cone and a pick axe are all visible nearby. In the background cars are passing and people are briskly walking by with big bags of Christmas shopping. (A recorded video projected onto to the back of a large cloth screen that is behind the street bench). In the distance there is a red digital clock with the time 19:02 and the words Merry Christmas. Kalvin's Klan Kommunications is written below. The clock has stopped working and is stuck. A hand written 'Out Of Order' sign hangs below it.

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